「 未来に向かって羽ばたけ! 」
Take Flight into the Future!
What Motivates Us to Support Children
東日本大震災が発生した翌月から、hug japanは少しでも被災地の子どもたちの心の支えとなるように活動を続けて参りました。 震災当時は、未曾有の被災体験で大きく病んでしまいがちな子供たちが多く見受けられていました。
Founded a month after the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami disaster of March 2011, Hug Japan has continually mounted efforts in support of children in the stricken areas. We came together to provide psychological help to the many children bearing physical and emotional scars from the unprecedented and ongoing calamity.
To enable children to unburden themselves of the fears and thoughts such children bear, we conducted programs for children to express their feelings freely through illustrations and words. We also encouraged these children to document what they wanted to do now and how they saw themselves ten years from now. The artwork and essays they produced were exhibited around the world out of our desire to highlight the realities and challenges facing these young victims.
Through this project we hope to support the natural attributes of children—their powers of imagination, dream, and self-expression for the future.
※Samples of artwork by children.
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What We Learned from Primary Teachers
While working with primary schools in the disaster area, we spoke with many teachers.
An oft-cited concern was an acute reduction in places for children to play due to such concerns as nuclear contamination and the effects of the tsunami. School grounds are off limits. Outdoor pools cannot be used. In such environments, children have little opportunity to experience real life and nature, the void for which is increasingly filled by the artificial such as TV and video games.
- 仮想体験から実体験へ -
~ From the Artificial to the Real ~ Nurturing New Craftsmanship Combining Digital and Analog Techniques
Spurred by the concerns of teachers, we sought opportunities for children to actually touch, experience, and have fun learning about things. That led us to the concept of “digital fabrication.”
Teamed with FabLab Shibuya
「デジタルファブリケーション」とはコンピューターと接続された工作機器とデジタルデータを使って様々な素材を加工し、ものをつくることをいいます。また、世界ではFabLabという「ほぼあらゆるもの("almost anything")」をつくることを目標とした、3Dプリンタやカッティングマシンなど多様な工作機械を備えた市民工房を運営したりプロジェクトを行う団体が存在します。日本でもFabLab Japanとして全国の数カ所に設立されています。
その中のひとつであるFabLab shibuyaと共に、被災地の子どもたちへ「デジタルファブリケーション」をどう届けられるかを考えて行きました。
“Digital fabrication” is the process of manufacturing from a variety of materials using digital data to drive computer-controlled production machinery and devices.
Active in this emerging field is the global FabLab Project which aims to put the technology in the hands of the ordinary people. With the aim of letting people make “almost anything,” FabLab operates public workshops outfitted with manufacturing machinery and devices including 3D printers and cutting machines. Several such workshops have been founded by FabLab Japan including one in Shibuya, Tokyo.
We teamed with FabLab Shibuya to consider how we could bring digital fabrication to the children in the disaster area.
FabLab Shibuya は、国内3 番目のFabLabとして活動をスタートさせました。co-lab渋谷アトリエというシェアオフィスに拠点をおき、さまざまなユーザーに開かれた実験工房として運営しています。3Dプリンターやレーザーカッターといったデジタル・ファブリケーション機材を広く市民に開放するとともに、ワークショップやハッカソンといったイベントの企画・運営や、ユーザーのニーズに合わせた制作受注も受けています。co-lab渋谷の入居者にはデザイナー、建築家、写真/映像関係者が多く入居しており、クリエイティブな交流が盛んに行なわれています。
FabLab Shibuya is the third of its kind in Japan. Sharing its office with co-lab Shibuya Atelier, FabLab Shibuya serves the public as an experimental workshop complete with digital fabrication devices including 3D printers and laser cutters. It also organizes study groups and hackathons. Custom fabrication orders are also accepted from private users. The adjacent co-lab Shibuya Atelier is home to many designers, architects, photographers, and video technicians who enthusiastically share their creative expertise.
Workshop Curriculum
ワークショップのカリキュラムはFabLab Shibuya と協議を重ねながら内容を検討して参りました。
We developed our children’s workshop curriculum in close consultation with FabLab Shibuya.
Kids Fab Caravan Trial Run
To see if our digital fabrication curriculum would appeal to kids, we made a trial run at St. Margaret's Elementary School in Tokyo. After seeing big smiles lighting up the faces of many kids, we felt encouraged to bring our curriculum to the disaster areas.
■ 立教女学院小学校にて実施
■ Conducted at St. Margaret's Elementary School.
いよいよKids fab caravanのスタートです!
Kids Fab Caravan Hits the Road!
Read on for an in-depth report.
「 移動型モノづくり工場に参加しよう!」
“Join Our Mobile Craft-Making Workshop!”
「Kids fab caravan」
A Craft-Making Workshop Using Digital Manufacturing Devices for Children in Disaster Areas
現在では普及しつつあるEV(電気自動車)も実は多くの新しい思想やデザイン,そして技術に満ちた存在です。 一方で、これからデジタル化された現代社会の中に急速に発展するであろうと言われているデジタル工作機器を活用した個人レベルでのモノ作りの考え方も多くの新しい技術への期待が寄せられる将来性の高い事業領域です。今回の子どもたち向けの移動型ファブの考え方にはそうしたシステム化が進んだ暮らしや社会の中で、子どもたちから遠い位置にあるモノ作りをもっと身近な存在に引き戻し、作り上げる一貫したプロセスの楽しさや面白さを理解し、身につけてもらいたいという考えのもと、本プロジェクトを実施して参りました。
EV—electric vehicles—are finding widespread acceptance as cutting-edge automobiles of new concepts, designs, and technology. They are a part of our digital future.
Also in our future is the process of digital fabrication. It is said that personal-level manufacturing will become increasingly common through the use of digital machining and manufacturing systems. It has great potential for triggering technological development in a myriad of ways.
With our mobile Kids Fab Caravan, we wanted to bring craft-making and manufacturing to children who have become insulated from such activities in society’s systemized lifestyles. Our objective was to make the manufacturing process more immediate and real to children so that they would understand the fun and satisfaction of seeing products made from the ground up. Ultimately, we hope that children would acquire the skills to become digital fabricators or perhaps even more.
Project Objectives
・ Explain what digital fabrication is to children.
・ Teach the joys of craftsmanship to children.
・ Support the communities surrounding the children in disaster areas.
Workshops at Eight Disaster-Affected Locations
Eight mobile workshops were conducted in the four prefectures of Ibaraki, Fukushima, Miyagi, and Iwate. The sites included temporary housing centers for disaster victims and schools located only several dozen kilometers from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station.
A Unique Mobile Fab Lab Powered by an EV for Disaster Areas
今回のプロジェクトでは「工場」と「エネルギー資源」が自由に移動できる事によって、誰もが自分の意志で工作機械に直接アクセスし,自分の暮らしに必要なモノだけをつくり出せるモノづくりのイノベーションが実現します。Kids Fab Caravanは活動拠点が移動することでデジタル工作機器による地域間のモノ作り環境の格差を取り除くだけでなく、地域のテクノロジーやマテリアルをも利用し、再活性化することができる可能性持ったプロジェクトであると考えております。想いさえあれば誰もが気軽にモノづくりに参加出来る。そのような機会を今回Kids Fab Caravanでは被災地の子どもたちや地域の皆様と一緒に創造し、ワークショップを通じて更なるモノづくりコミュニティの強化を創出して参ります。この活動は単に被災地の子どもたちへの一過性の支援となるのではなく、被災地で作られたモノが,市場や社会を巡って被災地復興の一つのシンボルになると考えています。
For this project, we developed an EV-powered mobile lab. It combines both the “factory” and the “energy source” that can be freely driven to any road-accessible location. It enables anyone to directly access manufacturing equipment and craft specifically items that they need. It represents a new innovative style in manufacturing.
Kids Fab Caravan is envisioned as a project that through its mobility not only eradicates geography-based discrepancies in digital manufacturing capabilities but also facilitates the revitalization of local communities through the use of local technology and materials.
If the desire exists, anyone can easily participate in the manufacturing process from start to finish.
With that vision, the Kids Fab Caravan is dedicated to giving children and the people of disaster-afflicted areas an opportunity to experience craft-making through workshops and foster communities of manufacturers.
We do not envision this project to be merely a temporary act of charity.
We hope to see goods made in the disaster areas to enter the marketplace and society at large as symbols of disaster relief and recovery.
Workshops Using Digital Manufacturing Systems
Kids participated in workshops using three digital fabrication devices: cutting machine, digital sewing machine, and laser cutter. A 3D printer demonstration rounded out the program that allowed children to experience the impressive workings of the various equipment.
Featured digital fabrication devices
・ 3D printer
・ Paper cutter
・ Laser cutter
・ Digital sewing machine
10月19日(土) 高萩市歴史民俗資料館での実施風景
Oct. 19 (Sat.): Takahagi Museum of History and Folklore
Many people took part including siblings and people from overseas. There were many girls in attendance. The most popular was the digital sewing machine workshop which involved automatic embroidery of illustrations produced on a tablet. We were rewarded with many cheerful grins to go with completed crafts.
10月20日(日) 常陸大宮市緒川総合センターでの実施風景
Oct. 20 (Sun.): Hitachi Omiya Ogawa Research Center
Even though the weather was somewhat unfriendly, we were pleasantly welcomed by many families waiting for registration to open. Many kids took part in all workshops with a good throng remaining until the event’s end at nightfall.
11月9日(土) いわき市立小名浜東小学校での実施風景
Nov. 9 (Sat.): Iwaki Municipal Onahama Higashi Elementary School
Many families attended at this elementary school located just 50 km from the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plants despite it being a holiday. Teachers of the school pitched in with help, making the workshops run exceptionally smoothly. Many parents were drawn in through their kids, eagerly taking in demos of the 3D printer and EV.
11月10日(日) 会津大学短期大学部での実施風景
Nov. 10 (Sun.): Junior College of Aizu
Aizu, being an area with a thriving folk craft industry, attracted not only children but many of the local craftsmen and artisans. Attendance was very strong with kids taking part in both the morning and afternoon sessions.
12月6日(金) 女川町立女川小学校での実施風景
Dec. 6 (Fri.): Onagawa Municipal Onagawa Elementary School
Using a classroom block, a manufacturing-experience workshop was conducted involving all grade 6 classes. While the students were all unfamiliar with digital fabrication devices such as 3D printer, digital sewing machine, and paper cutter they seemed to be comfortable with digital devices such as tablets. Their prowess with such devices showed in their widely varied creative efforts.
12月6日(金) 女川向学館での実施風景
Dec. 6 (Fri.): Onagawa Kogakukan
Using class hours, a workshop was conducted for second-year junior-high students. For these older students, we offered more practical lessons such as making key chains using plastic cutouts of initials and names using a laser cutter.
12月14日(土) 大槌町城山公園体育館 トレーニング室での実施風景
Dec. 14 (Sat.): Otsuchi Shiroyama Park Gymnasium
A tenth of Otsuchi’s residents died in the disaster. We were told that the local population was exceptionally small among the caravan sites. We were delighted and local supporters were surprised by the large turnout of kids from temporary housing. A local radio station turned up uninvited and provided free exposure, resulting in even greater turnout towards the end.
12月15日(日) 釜石・大槌地域産業育成センターでの実施風景
Dec. 15 (Sun.): Kamaishi Otsuchi Industrial Research, Development, and Training Center
Located by the water’s edge, Kamaishi was especially hard hit by the tsunami. There were still mounds of debris piled high near the event site. Even though there were few elementary schools near the site, many visitors of all ages from infants to adults took part.
Blessed with a Great Turnout!
Excluding the trial run in Tokyo, a total 1,689 persons took part in our workshops including very many children and their guardians. We were elated to hear from kids that they would like to participate again and when we would return.
Finally, we extend our sincere and deep appreciation to all those persons who lent us their support to make our caravan possible. Thank you so very much for your help.
主催:hug japan
共催:トライポッド・デザイン株式会社、FabLab Shibuya
協賛:株式会社インテック、 株式会社内田洋行、オートデスク株式会社
株式会社KDDI研究所、 株式会社東京個別指導学院、 日産自動車株式会社、
後援:岩手県、大槌町、 女川町、 女川町教育委員会 、釜石市、 福島県
協力:茨城県、 釜石・大槌地域産業育成センター、 グリーンふるさと振興機構、
一般社団法人 創造的復興教育協会 事務局、東京大学大槌イノベーション協創事業、